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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

17,000 gallon Tank Build

Yes, you read that right.  A 17,000 gallon reef tank!!!

There is a forum over at The Reef Tank that is now 48 pages long.  But, man is it worth checking out.

I have been following along with the progression for about 6 months now and realized that many of you may not have seen it.
Bill (some guy) is building a new house with a 17,000 gallon reef tank in it.  It is not done yet.  He just water tested it and is now on vacation for a week, but aquascaping starts next week from what I understand.

In the midst of all this, you get to see pictures of his house (in Illinois, I think) as it is being built and his birthday present to himself (Ferrari) and his break-up with his girlfriend which almost ended the tank build.

It is worth a read and there are plenty of pictures.
Check it out here.

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