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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This BLOG is MOVING to

Hi all!

So, being a techno-wanna-be, I am constantly playing with new technologies (some are new, new) and some are new to me.

And I wasn't really happy with the single-threaded feel of my blog anymore. There are a lot of pictures here and some good information on reefkeeping. But, I also have another site that I was starting to build using Joomla that had my Reefkeeper Elite stats and graphs and more pictures.

Well, I trashed that too over the weekend and I have combined that site and this blog into!

Its all of the stuff here, plus more! And I hope to expand it greatly over time.
So, I will not be blogging here anymore.

This is my last blog post here. But, there is a new one with pictures of my pinkface wrasse over at So, go check it out!

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